Supporting our customers with the essential components they need as they work to create effective solutions to combat COVID-19
How does West respond to increased demand to produce supplies needed for use with treatments to combat the coronavirus? The answer is – with years of experience, careful planning, and a robust manufacturing program. We are committed to doing our part to speed the successful development and large-scale manufacture of high-quality components required to serve customer needs for the delivery of a safe, effective COVID-19 vaccine, which includes expanding labor and equipment resources.

West has been working to support the changing demands of our customers for more than 97 years. We are a leading provider of packaging components and delivery systems for injectable drugs and healthcare products. Our extensive global network of 25 manufacturing sites across the globe is supporting customers with the production of elastomer stoppers, plungers and aluminum seals. Overall, West produces about 40 billion components and devices a year.
Our products continue to create value for our customers. The choice of which high-quality components (vials, stoppers, seals, etc.) are used with injectable medicines, including vaccines, is a complex one driven by years of science which West has pioneered. We are working with customers in the selection, testing and verification of compatible components with a specific drug, formal stability testing, and scenario planning for potential scale-up should the drug be successful in its clinical trials.
We are proud of the foundation we have built to offer solutions in response to the increased demands of our customers during this time. And we are proud of the important contribution we make as our products are used daily by millions of patients across the globe.