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Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies around the world rely on the expertise of West's contract manufacturing team—formerly known as The Tech Group to create innovative, safe and effective drug delivery systems that bring important therapies to patients. For those companies – like ours – quality and innovation are of the utmost importance.
In part one of our video series West on the Road – Tempe, we look at how West's contract manufacturing Rockford campus in Tempe, Arizona is developing advanced automation systems and programs to ensure the quality and efficacy of drug delivery and monitoring systems. This begins by establishing manufacturing processes based on a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and the products themselves. West's contract manufacturing engineers at the 96,500-square-foot facility learn our customer’s products inside and out. They combine that insight with their deep knowledge of medical devices and materials, such as plastics, as well as the latest in insert and multi-shot molding techniques to ensure we’re meeting the needs of our pharmaceutical partners and the patients relying on them.
While the medical manufacturing industry today may be complex as ever, Director of Operations, Mike Moran, believes that manufacturing processes will only grow in complexity in the coming years as a changing healthcare environment—one that is ever more patient-centric—will continue to demand more of the pharmaceutical industry and their manufacturing partners.
Ultimately, people at the contract manufacturing plant understand the critical role that they play in bringing drug delivery systems from concept to patient and delivering the high quality that our pharmaceutical customers – and patients – demand.
When choosing a resource for laboratory testing, pharmaceutical manufacturers face a difficult decision. Which is the better option – an independent facility or a supplier-affiliated laboratory?
West is pleased to announce that it has become a multi-year foundation sponsor of the <a href="http://ymicfoundation.org/" title="Young Men In Charge Foundation, Inc." target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Young Men In Charge Foundation, Inc.</span></a> (YMIC). The program is dedicated to increasing the number of African American and Latino males in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). West’s sponsorship will support the Foundation’s mission of integrating STEM exposure and mentoring with a focus on leadership, business and social skills.
<p>We are proud to announce our inaugural Corporate Responsibility Report. West’s commitment to sustainability and remaining active in the areas where we live and work are integral to West’s culture. In Parts 1-3 of this five-part blog series on the report, we focused on West’s efforts in <a href="/blog/2017/june/corporate-responsibility-for-2016">Compliance and Ethics</a>, <a href="/blog/2017/july/corporate-responsibility-report-part-2-philanthropy">Philanthropy</a> and <a href="/blog/2017/july/corporate-responsibility-report-part-3-celebrating-diversity">Diversity</a>.</p><p>The fourth part of the five-part series on West’s Corporate Responsibility discusses West’s Health and Safety programs.</p>
Putting together a risk assessment for nitrosamines in your final drug product is an extensive undertaking. Many contributing factors need to be considered, such as the drug substance’s manufacturing process, excipients, buffers, water, production equipment and environment, transportation conditions, packaging, and more. Within this scope, primary packaging components, such as elastomeric closures, also could contribute nitrosamines or precursors.
Dr. Bettine Boltres
Principal Scientific Affairs, Packaging & Delivery Systems
West was pleased to recently attend the U.S. FDA’s first Compounding Center of Excellence Conference “Working Together for Patient Safety” on September 21st and 22nd. The virtual conference brought together current and future outsourcing facilities, state and federal regulators, experts, trade organizations and other industry stakeholders to learn and engage on key topics and best practices.